About Me

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I am a full-time mama with a passion for writing and talking to fascinating people. I live in a one horse town with a Cowboy and my son. Thank Lord for cyberspace! I lived a colourful life in Sydney for a number of years. Working in advertising and journalism for FPC and the Sydney Morning Herald. During my time in Sydney I competed in a Dragon Boat race, choreographed a dragshow, used the Share Accomodation advertisements as a way to meet men and was told by Noiseworks frontrunner Jon Stevens that I was a bitch! Then came the decision to move back to country for 3 months to help out my Father with newspaper business while he was having treatment. Convinced I was a city girl I was caught by surprise when I fell in love with a farmer (and no, he didn't want a wife... still doesn't it seems!) convinced him that we needed to see the world, popped off to Vietnam to teach english in Saigon - before realising that the "food" in Nam didn't agree with me... turned out to be Monte - my son who is now with the Cowboy and I back in country NSW! I am in a wonderful stage of my life where I am focusing on the things that really make me tick. Including writing these chronicles.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Helping People Become Winners Are Grinners

You know how I run lots of giveaways on my website, well this time I need your help to win something.

Just a quick one dear readers.

There is a competition on Mama Mia website to win a Samsung Digital Camera.

I could dearly do with one of these babies to assist with this website and my Monte-isms.

To win, people simply have to vote on my comment, by giving it the thumbs up.

I am well in the lead at the moment, but competition goes until Thursday. Anything could happen, anything could happen.

My comment is under SHARNI

Please help me win the camera by clicking here and giving me the thumbs up or of course, you might win it yourself and take me on!!!

I would really appreciate your thumbs up!

ps - this is not cheating is it? Making the competition winner the comment with the most thumbs up they clearly want people to do what I'm doing right? It's marketing and bringing the numbers in for both Mama Mia and Samsung (OK conscience clear - thanks , love youse all - I will do a very special post and photo shoot if I win it!! )


Lovin' your thoughts leave them here or email me direct.
Oh and Hi!